Tuesday, May 30, 2006


Sometimes, it is easier to run other people’s lives than your own. In turn, somebody else may find it much easier to run your life. Who am I kidding lah bro...no one should run life unless their own. For the record, I have been Nicotine –free for 1 solid month. The pledge I made to quit runs parallel to the International Quit Smoking Month from 1st to 31st May. Of course my better half has been nagging for ages about me quitting (I am forever grateful, dear).
All you Alpha Male out there may want to back me up on this. When it comes to the crunch, there are a lot of things that we can tolerate but there are those few things we find a tad bit annoying, like one of those tiny miniscule ‘rock wannabe’ pebble that lingers between your toes you can’t shake off, while wearing the damn freaking slippers, for God sake. That in itself should be in the list of 10 Things/ Events/ Situations that men....yes, even you , hold very close to that little cold heart:
  1. The TV/ DVD/ Astro/ Air-con remote control – self explanatory, can’t wait to watch Adam Sandler’s latest flick called, ‘Click’
  2. Nags – I wish not to elaborate on the matter for specific health reasons
  3. Washing dishes – lets not even go there
  4. Crazy weekend shoppers - personally I hate window shopping, with the advancement of the internet who needs to window shopping. Just Google your way through this ever crazy world
  5. Further Nags – refer to no. 2
  6. Future planning – Something that us Mankind need to clarify to all Womankind, that we, your sometimes BLUR creature from Mars are constantly planning for the future. We are always on the lookout any hints for the future, like Who will win the World Cup for instance. That is major future planning in my book.
  7. Boy Bands – thank God. Let bygones be bygones
  8. Dates – not that kind of dates. These kinds you ain’t wanna mess with. Birthdays/ Valentine/ Annivessary/ Travel Dates/ Annual Leave Dates (co-related to the former)/ sometimes Pay-In Dates. Phew...
  9. More Nags – if you miss any of item no. 8
  10. Cat Fights of the Human Kind – I am quite sure, most man won’t mind watching the physical kind, its the backstabbing, spiteful, shes this shes that but shes my friend/ boss/ collegue Kind that we can’t stand. Wonder where do they get hold of those Jeckyll and Hyde potion. Mr. Longbottom, been to Mr Snape’s private stash lately?

Of course, the list is a bunch of generalization, unproven, ego-centric,hormone driven statements, but who cares....? I will update you all on my health status soon. Till then......

..............keep layering the yellow butter paper



How do you as a 'paid servant' justify your value to an organization? These days I've been questioning myself, whether the 'valuer' had it right in the first place. What I do not understand is how come we still cannot buy a running car (enough to bring you from point A to point B) for let say RM500. I remember last time, during my brief time in UK, a few months doing odd jobs like collecting beer glasses in a smoke filled haggard looking bar, mopping soury smelling puke stains and other not so disgusting stuff which i do wish to share, you could actually buy quite a decent 10 year old, point A to point B, Fiat Uno for 500 quid, cash mind you. Well, bloody hell, if that is not a good deal, I don't know what is. I don't really know if there is such a car by any other name here in Malaysia, if there is, I wonder how deep my pocket has to go .
Anyway, the point is, a tenner in the UK, goes a long way. I shit you not, a tenner last me one week of groceries. Full credit had to be given to The Store (Kwik Save) where Red/White label rules. Back in Malaysia, you will see yourself at the other end of the spectrum. Does anyone agree that we, average citizens of Bolehland are not much better than a litre of Kwik Save's milk. 45 p , if i can recall correctly. Cheap, not as premium quality as Kiwi milk, but enough nutrients to keep you going. The way I see it, honest, hard working, traffic jam gladiators, seldom complaining workers like you(s) and me have been putting a lot of value added services sometimes went unnoticed.
The term "value added service"given to those so called 'linguist bioligist' (notice the double field of expertise) the task of dissecting the meaning of the 'much hyped words' ( another Human Resource Conspiracy), it would be safe to say that you and me are at the losing end of the bargain. Why? If the reward/money/package/remuneration or whatever name its given are on par with the 'nutrients', there wont be any value added service, innit?
............keep layering the yellow butter paper


Monday, May 29, 2006


layers upon layers of butter paper......to get things just right, not necessarily correct, but just enough to move on.

............keep layering the yellow butter paper


Monday, May 01, 2006

